Golf Utah Beach Normandie

Golf Utah Beach Normandie

Golf 18 trous en Normandie


Club competitions

Between Spring and Autumn, our sports committee regularly organises official competitions, the results of which are transferred to the golf federation. The programme is of course particularly dense during the summer period. These competitions are open to everyone who is in possession of a golf licence, a green card and a medical certificate.
Players are not good or bad, everyone can join in, and each « series » has its winners.
At the end of each competition, there is a drinks party, the traditional « pot de l’amitié » as it is called, literally meaning « the friendship drink » ! This is prize-giving time and there is always the famous « pot luck» prize with the name pulled out of a hat !

« Les Seniors de la Manche », the Seniors of the department of La Manche.

You have to be at least aged 50 to join this group , as obviously it is reserved for seniors! The privilege of age ! This popular competition involves 7 different golf clubs in the area and so gives players the opportunity to play on all the different courses at least once a year.

About 150 players are usually involved in each competition. If you would like further information, you can go to the web site
or contact Anne Marie THOREL, in charge of the «  Seniors de la Manche » for our club.

« Les Seniors de Normandie », the Seniors of Normandy

This is a more closed circle, as to be part of the « Seniors de Normandie » club, you have to apply in September and have a certain level of play.

About 300 members from 26 different clubs in Normandy are involved. If you would like further information, go to the website
or contact Dominique DELAPORTE,  in charge of the «  Seniors de Normandie « for our club.